Box Week (Monday)


Box Sculpture: Collect boxes in a variety of sizes. Set out the boxes along with sme tape and glue. Let the chidren work together as a group to create a large sculpture by gluing and taping the boxes together.

Where's the Box?: Give each child a box. Then have the children follow directions such as these: "Put your box under your chair. Hold your box above your head. Place your box under your arm."

Lifting and Carrying: Have the children act out lifting and carrying boxes that are large and small, heavy and light. Tell the children to fill their imaginary boxes with cotton balls, bricks, etc. Have the children to pretend to fill one box that is so big that everyone must help lift and carry it across the room.



Picnic Box Snacks: For each child, pack a snack (or lunch) in a "picnic box". (You may want to include one of the may fruit juices that are packaged in small boxes with straws attached.) Spread a tablecloth on the grass outdoors or on the floor indoors and enjoy a picnic treat.

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