Fluffy Bunnies
Give each child a bunny shape cut out of construction paper. Have the children pull cotton pillow stuffing or cotton balls into soft, fluffy pieces and glue them all over their bunny shapes. From pink construction paper cut out ear shapes that are slightly smaller than the ears on the bunnies and cut circles for eyes out of blue construction paper. Then let the children glue the ears and eyes on their cotton bunnies.
Bunny Parade
For each child, cut a bunny shape 12 to 16 inches tall out of white construction paper and a large brimmed hat shape out of yellow construction paper. Set the bunny shapes aside and give each child a hat shape. Let the children decorate their hats with any of the following items: straw flowers, ribbon, rickrack, feathers, buttons, stickers, old costume jewelry, or sequins. Glue each child's hat to a bunny shape. When the glue has dried, hang he bunnies on a wall to create a "Bunny Parade".
Bunny Foods
Discuss with the children the foods that bunnies like to eat (carrots, beets, turnips, barley, oats, and fresh-cut clover and grass). Then draw (or cut out of magazines) pictures of foods that bunnies like and pictures of foods that bunnies don't like. Let the children take turns sorting the pictures into two groups.
Textured Bunnies
Draw the outline of a bunny shape on each of twelve index cards and divide the cards into pairs. On each pair, glue bunny tail shapes made from the same kind of textured material (sandpaper, cotton balls, velvet, corduroy, etc.). Mix up the cards and let the children take turns matching the bunnies by the textures of their tails.
This Little Bunny
Cut five bunny shapes out of felt and decorate them as described in the following poem. As you recite the poem, place the appropriate shapes on a flannelboard.
This little bunny has two pink eyes,
This little bunny is very wise.
This little bunny is soft as silk,
This little bunny is white as milk.
This little bunny nibbles away
At cabbages and carrots
the livelong day!
Bunny Hop-Along
Let one child begin by rolling a large die and calling out the number that comes up. (For very young children, have an adult call out the numbers.) Then have the child hop that number of times while the other children try to follow. Let the child try hopping in various ways (forward, backward, to the side, or around in circles). Encourage big hops and little hops. Continue the game until everyone has had a turn being the leader.
Sung to : "Hokey-Pokey"
You put your bunny ears in,
(Place hands on head to make "ears".)
You put your bunny ears out,
You put your bunny ears in,
And you shake them all about.
You do the Bunny-Pokey,
And you hop yourself around -
That's what it's all about!
Additional verses: "You put your bunny nose in. You put your bunny tail in. You put your bunny paws in."
Did You Ever See a Bunny?
Sung to : "Did You Ever See a Lassie?"
Did you ever see a bunny,
A bunny, a bunny,
Did you ever see a bunny
That hops so slow?
It hops and hops
And hops and hops.
Did you ever see a bunny
That hops so slow?
Additional verses: "Did you ever see a bunny that hops so fast? That hops backward? That hops on one foot?"
Egg Bunnies
Boil and peel eggs (at least one for every two children). Slice the eggs in half and show the children how to scoop out the yolks. Mix all the yolks with mayonnaise and let the children help spoon the mixture back into the whites. Then have the children place raisins on their egg halves for bunny eyes and noses and carefully poke 2-inch celery sticks (cut like matchsticks) into the tops of their bunny heads for ears.
Pear Bunnies
For each child, place a pear half (flat side down) on a lettuce leaf. In the narrow end of the pear, insert whole cloves for eyes and almond halves for ears. At the other end of the pear, place a spoonful of cottage cheese for a fluffy tail.
Note: Have the children remove the cloves before eating their pear bunnies.