Frosty Pictures
Have the children draw outdoor pictures on pieces of colored construction paper. Make a solution of half Epsom salts and half water. Have the children paint their pictures with the mixture. As the mixture dries, it will leave sparkling crystals on their papers.
Variation: Turn greeting card pictures into snow scenes. Have the children paint over the pictures with the Epsom salts and water mixture. Or let them brush the pictures with glue and sprinkle on glitter.
Simple Snowflakes
Show the children how to fold coffee filters in half and then in half again. Have them cut small triangles out of the folded edges. Then have them unfold their filters to see the snowflakes they have created.
Q-Tip Snowflakes
Give each child three Q-Tips cut in half and a small square of aluminum foil. Squeeze a small amount of glue in the center of each piece of foil. Have the children arrange their six Q-Tip pieces on their foil squares with the cut ends of the Q-Tips touching to make star-like snowflakes. When the glue completely dries, peel off the foil pieces. Then tie loops of thread to the snowflakes and hang them in a window.
Let the children go outside and make two small snowballs. Have them place each snowball in a paper cup. Place one cup outside and one cup inside. Together, observe the two snowballs. Ask the children to tell you what is happening to the snow. Why is the snow melting inside but not outside?
Catch snowflakes on a piece of black construction paper. Let the children examine the snowflakes with a magnifying glass. Explain that snowflakes are frozen water crystals and that each flake is unique with its own design.
Snow Pal Puppets
Cut snow pal shapes out of small white index cards. Cut two finger holes at the bottom of each shape. Show the children how to make legs for their puppets by sticking two fingers through the holes. Recite the following poem with the children and have them act out the movements with their puppets. Then repeat the poem, letting the children name other movements for their snow pal puppets to act out.
Snow pal, Snow pal,
Running down the street,
Watch what it does
With is snow pal feet.
Circle Snow Pals
For each child, cut a large, a medium-sized, and a small circle out of white construction paper. Mix up the circles and have the children sort them by size into three piles. Then let them each take a large circle and place it on a table. Next, have them each put a medium-sized circle above the large one. Finally, have them each put a small circle above the medium-sized one. Then give each child a small black top hat shape to put on top of his or her circle snow pal.
Snow Pals
Have the children lie on the floor and stretch out to form a beautiful blanket of snow. Next, have them pretend that boys and girls are rolling them up to make large snowballs. Let the children roll across the floor, finally becoming so large they have to stand up and become snow pals.
What a Pretty Sight
Sung to : "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
Snow, snow swirling round,
(Move hands in circular motions.)
Falling to the ground.
(Kneel and continue hand motions.)
What a pretty sight you make,
(Cup hands over eyes and look right and left.)
Dancing all around.
(Turn and dance in circles.)
Snow, snow swirling round,
(Move hands in circular motions.)
Flying through the air.
(Wave arms.)
What a pretty sight you make,
(Cup hands over eyes and look right and left.)
Dancing everywhere.
(Turn and dance in circles.)
Sing a Song of Winter
Sung to : "Sing a Song of Sixpence"
Sing a song of winter,
Frost is in the air.
Sing a song of winter,
Snowflakes everywhere.
Sing a song of winter,
Hear the sleighbells chime.
Can you think of anything
As nice as wintertime?
Snowflakes Falling
Sung to : "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
Snowflakes falling
From the sky,
From the sky,
From the sky.
Snowflakes falling
From the sky
To the earth below.
Watch them as they
Dance and whirl,
Dance and whirl,
Dance and whirl.
Watch them as they
Dance and whirl,
Soft white winter snow.
Dance Around the Snow Pal
Sung to : "The Mulberry Bush"
This is the way
We dance around,
Dance around, dance around,
This is the way
We dance around
Our snow pal in the morning.
This is the way
We skip around,
Skip around, skip around,
This is the way
We skip around
Our snow pal in the morning.
This is the way
We twirl around,
Twirl around, twirl around,
This is the way
We twirl around
Our snow pal in the morning.