Baking Soda Play Clay
Important Note: Adult supervision and paritication is required for this activity.
- 1 cup cornstarch
- 2 cups baking soda
- 1 1/4 cups water
- Combine ingredients into a saucepan.
- Cook over low heat, stirring constantly for about 15 minutes.
- After mixture begins to resemble mashed potatoes, remove from the stove.
- Put the clay in a large bowl and cool to comfortable touch before making shapes and free form creatures.
- Place all your creations on a cooling rack for 24 hours to harden.
Creative Tips:
When making shapes of fruit:
- To make realistic indentations in strawberries or oranges, roll the molded shapes up the fine-shred side of a cheese grater.
- For apple or pear stems, use a real stick or twig.
- To make hair for a goofy face, squeeze the clay through a garlic press.
- After drying for 24 hours, use acrylic tube paints to give your creations personality.
- To color the dough, add a few drops of candy color which can be purchased at a craft store (do not use food coloring).
If your creations should happen to come apart after they are dry, use household glue to re-attach the parts.
Visitors since July 4, 1998